How To Cut Laminate Flooring With A Circular Saw

Laminate flooring is something you’ve probably heard of unless youre living under a rock. Laminate flooring is an affordable and durable choice for homeowners. Laminate flooring can be installed in your home by being cut to the right size. This blog will show you how to use a circular saw to cut laminate flooring. For more tips and tricks, keep reading!

What’s A Circular Saw?

A circular saw, an electric saw with a round blade, is one. The circular saw is able to cut thin pieces of metal, wood, and masonry. It can be used to make straight or curving cuts.

Step By Step Instructions On How To Cut Laminate Flooring Using A Circular Saw:

Step 1.

Plan your cut. Place your laminate flooring on top of the subfloor to plan where you will cut it. Then, trace it with a pencil. After you’ve traced your flooring piece, measure the length of the rectangle.

Step 2.

Lay your laminate flooring over the subfloor. To get a precise measurement, ensure that the top side is facing up.

Step 3.

Lay your laminate flooring over the subfloor. To get a precise measurement, ensure that the flooring’s top side is facing up.

Step 4.

From the starting point, extend the line to the length of the measurement you made in step 2. If you measure 15 cm in step 2, extend the line 15cm in front of the start point to mark the place where your cut will be made.

Step #5.

Mark the spot where you want to cut with a pencil or straightedge. Next, draw a line vertically that runs the length of your flooring in inch.

Step 6.

As you did in step 2, ensure that your flooring’s top side is facing upward. Next, place your ruler’s edge on the line where your cut will be made. Then draw a horizontal line marking where you will begin cutting.

Step 7.

Lay your laminate flooring on top of the subfloor.

Step 8.

Turn on your circular saw and ensure that it has a brand new blade.

Step 9.

The edge of your laminate flooring should be placed against the line you are going to cut. Next, press down lightly to hold it in place.

Step 10.

Use even pressure to cut through the flooring. Then, continue to apply pressure until the saw moves away from you. If your flooring is difficult to cut, you can push the blade forward with a scrap of laminate flooring or a piece of wood.

Step 11.

After you have completed your first cut, refer to the lines drawn on the subfloor for guidance when making subsequent cuts. You can cut multiple pieces of laminate flooring to the same length by measuring from one end of the piece to mark the next cut. Then, use a pencil to mark the spots. This will help you save time when you need to cut multiple pieces of laminate flooring at once.

Laminate flooring piece cut to size from the subfloor

Step 12.

Your circular saw can be used to cut along the line you traced at the beginning of your cut. The flooring should now be the correct width. However, it might not be the right length.

Step 1.

To check the fit, place your flooring on top of your subfloor. If your flooring doesn’t fit perfectly, turn off the saw and use your straightedge or square to extend the line further until it reaches your subfloor.

Step 14.

After you’ve checked that your length is correct, you can cut.

Step #5.

You can use your ruler or straightedge to draw a line 3 inches back from your new flooring piece. Then, make another cut to separate it.

Step 16.

After each cut, wipe the saw blade clean with a damp cloth. This will prevent your laminate flooring from melting if the saw blade gets too hot.


  • Circular saw
  • Straightedge, ruler or measuring tape
  • Pencil
  • Measurement tape or ruler (if multiple cuts must be made that are equal in length)

This Video Shows You How To Cut Laminate Flooring With A Circular Saw.

How to cut laminate flooring using a circular saw

You now know how to cut laminate flooring using a circular saw.

Safety Tips When Using A Circular Saw

  • Protective eyewear is essential when you use a circular saw. Wood chips and metal filings could fly off your eyes as you cut! Safety goggles can be used to prevent any sawdust from entering your eyes or getting in your nose.
  • To prevent injuries, ensure that you use both your hands when operating a circular-saw. Do not try to hold the saw with one hand while holding the handle with the other. This will make it wobble and cause inaccurate cuts.
  • Your fingers should be kept away from the circular saw blade. Wood chips and metal filings could get caught in the air while you are using the circular saw. If they become loose, make sure to not place your hands under or in front of them. When making a cut, be mindful of where your fingers are!
  • When working with a circular saw, wear appropriate clothing. In addition to sturdy work boots, long pants are recommended. These materials have been proven to reduce the risk of being struck by flying debris during sawing.


How Do You Measure To Cut Laminate Flooring?

To measure your cuts, you can use a ruler or measuring tape. When measuring, it is important to consider the thickness of your saw blade. You will have cut pieces that are too short, which can cause problems with the fit of your cuts.

Is It Difficult To Do This Job?

Although circular saws can be used easily, they require power to make accurate cuts. You should have the strength to push them down or grab an extra pair of hands, if needed.


It can seem daunting to cut laminate flooring, but it is possible with the right tools and preparation. Before you go to cut laminate flooring, make sure that all your tools are in good working order. You can ask for help or hire someone who will do it for you if you aren’t confident.